Thursday, December 14, 2006

Add "find Target" To Your Shortcuts!

Hello users!
Windows missed out something...something very useful..."Find Target" option directly on the menu of a shortcut... beginners do not find it that useful....advanced users are tired of properties>Find Target...

Here is the solution:

1)Copy this code as it is:

@echo off
set FT="%TEMP%\Find_Target.tmp"
set FTV="C:\Find_Target.vbs"
@echo REGEDIT4>%FT%
@echo [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\Shell\Find Target\command]>>%FT%
@echo @="wscript.exe \"C:\\Find_target.vbs\" \"%%1\"">>%FT%
@echo Dim param, filenam, targt, shortct>%FTV%
@echo Set param = WScript.Arguments>>%FTV%
@echo filenam = param (0)>>%FTV%
@echo Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>>%FTV%
@echo Set shortct = WshShell.CreateShortcut(filenam)>>%FTV%
@echo targt = shortct.TargetPath>>%FTV%
@echo WshShell.Run "%windir%\explorer.exe /select," ^& Chr(34) ^& targt ^& Chr(34)>>%FTV%
regedit /s %FT%
del /q %FT%

2)Copy and paste this code in Notepad...yes only Notepad...Wordpad won't do! (Start>Run>Notepad)

3)Save this file as Find_Target.bat in the root drive of your OS(directly in the drive where Documents and Settings, Program Files and WINDOWS reside)

4)Run Find_Target.bat (Just press Enter!)

A VB Script is created...DO NOT TOUCH THAT FILE!

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